1. string-env-interpolation
Use Environment Variables in String
Package: string-env-interpolation
Created by: kamilkisiela
Last modified: Wed, 18 May 2022 20:43:14 GMT
Version: 1.0.1
License: MIT
Downloads: 11,596,487
Repository: https://github.com/kamilkisiela/string-env-interpolation


npm install string-env-interpolation
yarn add string-env-interpolation


Use string interpolation to provide Environment Variables.


yarn add string-env-interpolation
npm install string-env-interpolation


Let's say we have a config file: config.yaml.

 debug: ${DEBUG:false}
name: ${NAME:"Development"}
user: ${USER}

Our library wants to be able to consume environment variables in index.js.

 import { env } from "string-env-interpolation";
import { readFileSync } from "fs";

const content = env(readFileSync("./config.yaml", "utf-8"));



 DEBUG=true USER=kamil node index.js

# Output
debug: true
name: Development
user: kamil

NAME=Production USER=kamil node index.js

# Output
debug: false
name: Production
user: kamil


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