1. strip-final-newline
Strip the final newline character from a string or Uint8Array
Package: strip-final-newline
Created by: sindresorhus
Last modified: Wed, 13 Dec 2023 19:31:50 GMT
Version: 4.0.0
License: MIT
Downloads: 191,295,856
Repository: https://github.com/sindresorhus/strip-final-newline


npm install strip-final-newline
yarn add strip-final-newline


Strip the final newline character from a string or Uint8Array.

This can be useful when parsing the output of, for example, ChildProcess#execFile(), as binaries usually output a newline at the end. You cannot use stdout.trimEnd() for this as it removes all trailing newlines and whitespaces at the end.


 npm install strip-final-newline


 import stripFinalNewline from 'strip-final-newline';

//=> 'foo\nbar\n'

const uint8Array = new TextEncoder().encode('foo\nbar\n\n')
new TextDecoder().decode(stripFinalNewline(uint8Array));
//=> 'foo\nbar\n'


When using an Uint8Array, the original value is referenced, not copied. This is much more efficient, requires almost no memory, and remains milliseconds fast even on very large inputs.

If you'd like to ensure that modifying the return value does not also modify the value passed as input, please use .slice().

 const value = new TextDecoder().decode(stripFinalNewline(uint8Array).slice());


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