1. sugarss
Indent-based CSS syntax for PostCSS
Package: sugarss
Created by: postcss
Last modified: Mon, 27 Jun 2022 01:57:22 GMT
Version: 4.0.1
License: MIT
Downloads: 6,289,502
Repository: https://github.com/postcss/sugarss


npm install sugarss
yarn add sugarss


Indent-based CSS syntax for PostCSS.

  color: blue

  box-shadow: 1px 0 9px rgba(0, 0, 0, .4),
              1px 0 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, .6)

// Mobile
@media (max-width: 400px)
    padding: 0 10px

As any PostCSS custom syntax, SugarSS has source map, stylelint
and postcss-sorting support out-of-box.

It was designed to be used with PreCSS and postcss-nested-props.
But you can use it with any PostCSS plugins
or use it without any PostCSS plugins.
With gulp-sass-to-postcss-mixins you can use +mixin syntax as in Sass.

Sponsored by Evil Martians


SugarSS MIME-type is text/x-sugarss with .sss file extension.


We recommend 2 spaces indent. However, SugarSS autodetects indent
and can be used with tabs or spaces.

But it is prohibited to mix spaces and tabs in SugarSS sources.


SugarSS was designed to have intuitively multiline selectors and declaration

There are 3 rules for any types of nodes:

// 1. New line inside brackets will be ignored
@supports ( (display: flex) and
            (display: grid) )

// 2. Comma at the end of the line
@media (max-width: 400px),
       (max-height: 800px)

// 3. Backslash before new line
@media screen and \
       (min-width: 600px)

In a selector you can put a new line anywhere. Just keep same indent
for every line of selector:

.parent >
  color: black

In a declaration value you can put a new line anywhere. Just keep a bigger indent
for the value:

  background: linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), black)
              linear-gradient(red, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0))

    linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), black)
    linear-gradient(red, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0))


SugarSS supports two types of comments:

 Multiline comments

// Inline comments

There is no “silent” comment in SugarSS. Output CSS will contain all comments
from .sss source. But you can use postcss-discard-comments
for Sass’s silent/loud comments behaviour.

Rule and Declarations

SugarSS separates selectors and declarations by :\s or :\n token.

So you must write a space after the property name: color: black is good,
color:black is prohibited.


SugarSS is just a syntax, it change the way how you write CSS,
but do not add preprocessor features build-in.

Here are PostCSS plugins which could add you preprocessor features:

Text Editors

We are working on syntax highlight support in text editors.

Right now, you can set Sass or Stylus syntax highlight for .sss files.


SugarSS needs PostCSS compiler. Install postcss-loader for webpack,
gulp-postcss for Gulp, postcss-cli for npm scripts.
Parcel has build-in support for PostCSS.

Then install SugarSS: npm install --save-dev postcss sugarss if you use npm
and yarn add --dev postcss sugarss if you use Yarn.

Then create .postcssrc file:

  "parser": "sugarss",
  "plugins": {
    "precss": {}


If you doesn’t use Webpack or Parcel, you need some PostCSS plugin
to process @import directives.

postcss-import doesn’t support .sss file extension, because this plugin
implements W3C specification. If you want smarter @import, you should
use postcss-easy-import with the extensions option.

  "parser": "sugarss",
  "plugins": {
+   "postcss-easy-import": {
+     "extensions": [
+       ".sss"
+     ]
+   },
    "precss": {},


For mixins support, install postcss-mixins and add it to .postcssrc file:

  "parser": "sugarss",
  "plugins": {
+   "postcss-mixins": {
+     "mixinsDir": "./mixins"
+   },
    "precss": {},

Now you can define your mixins in mixins/ dir.
For example create mixins/circle.sss with:

@define-mixin circle $size
  border-radius: 50%
  width: $size
  height: $size


To define custom functions you need to install postcss-functions
and add it to .postcssrc file:

  "parser": "sugarss",
  "plugins": {
+   "postcss-functions": {
+     "glob": "./functions"
+   },
    "precss": {},

Then you can define functions in functions/ dir. For example,
functions/foo.js will define foo() function in CSS:

 module.exports = function (args) {
  return 'foo'

SugarSS to SugarSS

Sometimes we use PostCSS not to build CSS, but to fix source files.
For example, to sort properties by postcss-sorting.

For this cases use the syntax option, instead of parser:

 gulp.task('sort', function () {
    return gulp.src('src/**/*.sss')
        .pipe(postcss([sorting], { syntax: sugarss }))

CSS to SugarSS

You can even compile existing CSS sources to SugarSS syntax.
Just use stringifier option instead of parser:

 postcss().process(css, { stringifier: sugarss }).then(function (result) {
    result.content // Converted SugarSS content


Cute project logo was made by Maria Keller.


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