1. tiny-emitter
A tiny (less than 1k) event emitter library
Package: tiny-emitter
Created by: scottcorgan
Last modified: Mon, 27 Jun 2022 06:58:31 GMT
Version: 2.1.0
License: MIT
Downloads: 12,842,956
Repository: https://github.com/scottcorgan/tiny-emitter


npm install tiny-emitter
yarn add tiny-emitter


A tiny (less than 1k) event emitter library.



npm install tiny-emitter --save


 var Emitter = require('tiny-emitter');
var emitter = new Emitter();

emitter.on('some-event', function (arg1, arg2, arg3) {

emitter.emit('some-event', 'arg1 value', 'arg2 value', 'arg3 value');

Alternatively, you can skip the initialization step by requiring tiny-emitter/instance instead. This pulls in an already initialized emitter.

 var emitter = require('tiny-emitter/instance');

emitter.on('some-event', function (arg1, arg2, arg3) {

emitter.emit('some-event', 'arg1 value', 'arg2 value', 'arg3 value');

Instance Methods

on(event, callback[, context])

Subscribe to an event

  • event - the name of the event to subscribe to
  • callback - the function to call when event is emitted
  • context - (OPTIONAL) - the context to bind the event callback to

once(event, callback[, context])

Subscribe to an event only once

  • event - the name of the event to subscribe to
  • callback - the function to call when event is emitted
  • context - (OPTIONAL) - the context to bind the event callback to

off(event[, callback])

Unsubscribe from an event or all events. If no callback is provided, it unsubscribes you from all events.

  • event - the name of the event to unsubscribe from
  • callback - the function used when binding to the event

emit(event[, arguments...])

Trigger a named event

  • event - the event name to emit
  • arguments... - any number of arguments to pass to the event subscribers

Test and Build

Build (Tests, Browserifies, and minifies)

npm install
npm run build


npm install
npm test




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