1. vue-analytics
Google Analytics plugin for Vue
Package: vue-analytics
Created by: MatteoGabriele
Last modified: Tue, 28 Jun 2022 18:57:56 GMT
Version: 5.22.1
License: MIT
Downloads: 187,840
Repository: https://github.com/MatteoGabriele/vue-analytics


npm install vue-analytics
yarn add vue-analytics

:warning: This plugin will stop receiving feature requests. I will only spend time for important bug fixes. Google moved from analytics.js to its new gtag.js library and I've created a new plugin called vue-gtag. I suggest you to start using that one if you are about to create a new project.


Vue plugin for Google Analytics

Why should I use it?

The plugin isn't just a wrapper of the Google Analytics API, but provides a solution to issues that most of the time you don't want to deal with or you not even know you have to deal with.

For example:

  • Automatic Google Analytics script loading
  • Automatic page tracking
  • Event batching
  • Opt-out from Google Analytics with promise support
  • Multiple domain ID tracking system
  • Vuex support
  • E-commerce API
  • Vue error exception tracking system
  • Debugging API


Vue ^2.0.0


Google Analytics, GDPR and Vuejs

Vuejs and Google Analytics

Tips & tricks for vue-analytics


 npm install vue-analytics

User guide

Issues and features requests

Please drop an issue, if you find something that doesn't work, or a feature request at https://github.com/MatteoGabriele/vue-analytics/issues

Follow me on twitter @matteo_gabriele


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