1. vue-cli-plugin-component
vue-cli 3 plugin to develop component
Package: vue-cli-plugin-component
Created by: David-Desmaisons
Last modified: Mon, 23 May 2022 12:52:21 GMT
Version: 1.12.2
License: MIT
Downloads: 1,169
Repository: https://github.com/David-Desmaisons/vue-cli-plugin-component


npm install vue-cli-plugin-component
yarn add vue-cli-plugin-component


Npm version
MIT License

component plugin for vue-cli


│   README.md
│   LICENSE (optional)
│   ├── index.js
│   └───components
│       └───Mycomponent.vue
    ├── App.vue
    ├── main.js


  • Adjust build script to only build the component. Use serve script to serve a demo page.

  • Create a prepublishOnly script to run the build(s) before publishing the component

  • Update README.md with component information

  • Optional


Use build to build the component

 npm run build

Use serve to serve the application example in the example folder

 npm run serve

When using vue.doc

Use doc:build to update the API section of README.md with generated documentation

npm run doc:build

When using vueStyleguide

Use styleguide to run style guide dev server

npm run styleguide

Use styleguide:build to generate a static HTML style guide

npm run styleguide:build



  • componentName: the name of the component.

  • useVueStyleguidist: true to install vue-styleguidist, default: true

  • useVueDoc: true to install vuedoc.md, default: true

  • addLicense true to add a License file to the project, default: false

  • licenseName type of the license file to create, default: MIT

  • copyrightHolders Project copy holders, used when creating the license file.

Injected Commands

No command will be injected.

Installing in an Already Created Project

 vue add component

Injected webpack-chain Rules

No Changes are performed


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