1. vue-transfer-dom
Transfer DOM to another place
Package: vue-transfer-dom
Last modified: Tue, 28 Jun 2022 20:36:01 GMT
Version: 1.1.0
License: MIT
Downloads: 95


npm install vue-transfer-dom
yarn add vue-transfer-dom


requires Vue v1.0.19+

Transfer DOM to another place (eg. <body>).

Useful in some situations such as z-index management, see discussion here.

Demo (prevent modal overlap by other elements)



 npm install vue-transfer-dom


 Vue.use(VueTransferDom /*, {name: 'transferDom'}*/)

new Vue({
  template: '<div v-transfer-dom>foo</div>', // div will be appended to body(default)

// append to specific place
new Vue({
  template: '<div v-transfer-dom:bar>foo</div>', // div will be appended to #bar(document.getElementById)


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