1. vue-http-fast



simplly http request in vue component

How to install

 yarn add vue-http-fast
# or
npm i vue-http-fast
 import vueHttpFast from 'vue-http-fast';

// in Vue 2
Vue.use(vueHttpFast, { ...options });

// in Vue 3
App.use(vueHttpFast, { ...options });

// Option Example
options = {
  async launch(api, method, data, headers) {
    return axios({
      method: 'get',
      url: api,

How to use

 <http api="..." method="get" :params="{ hello: 'world' }" v-slot="{ data }">
  <div>{{ data }}</div>

How to Secondary Request

 // Refresh according to the method set on the component
this.$refs.http.refresh(params, headers);

// Send request as method get
this.$refs.http.get(params, headers);

// Send request as method post
this.$refs.http.get(params, headers);

Or it can be written in template like

 <http api="..." ref="http">
  <div>{{ data }}</div>

  <button @click="$refs.http.refresh">refresh</button>
  <button @click="$refs.http.get({ respect: false })">get</button>
  <button @click="$refs.http.post({ respect: true })">post</button>


vue-http-fast do not have the ability to send requests, you need to configure the request class during registration


Name Type Default Description
api String '' address for request
method String get be used when making the request
params Object {} be sent with the request
immediate Boolean true set request be sended immediately
wait Boolean true set rending after response
http Promise none reset tool of sending requests
requestInterceptor Promise (data, headers) => ({ data, headers }) interceptor before request
responseInterceptor Promise result => result interceptor after response