1. vue-theme-switcher-directive



Vue 3 directive to switch css theme



You can use NPM or Yarn to add this plugin to your project

 npm install vue-theme-switcher-directive
# or
yarn add vue-theme-switcher-directive

You need to install this plugin in you main.js

 import { createApp } from "vue";
import VueThemeSwitcherDirective from "vue-theme-switcher-directive";

app.use(VueThemeSwitcherDirective, {
  themes: ["light", "dark"],
  theme: "light",

After installing the plugin, you will have the v-theme and v-theme-switcher directives,
the global theme property and the global changeTheme method


Set styles in css file

 .title_theme_default {
  font-family: "Balsamiq Sans", serif;

.title_theme_light {
  color: #3eaf7c;

.title_theme_dark {
  color: #ffffff;

or specify them in the options in the themes property

 app.use(VueThemeSwitcherDirective, {
  themes: {
    default: {
      title: {
        fontFamily: '"Balsamiq Sans", serif',
    light: {
      title: {
        color: "#3eaf7c",
    dark: {
      title: {
        color: "#ffffff",
  theme: "light",


You can add the v-theme directive to the dom elements for which you want to change the theme.

 <!-- App.vue -->
<h1 v-theme:title>...</h1>


You can use the v-theme-switcher directive to change the theme.

 <!-- App.vue -->
<button v-theme-switcher:dark>...</button>

Saving to permanent storage

Example of getting and saving the current theme to local storage

 app.use(VueThemeSwitcherDirective, {
  themes: ["light", "dark"],
  theme: localStorage.getItem("theme") || "light",
  afterChanged: (theme) => {
    localStorage.setItem("theme", theme);


Property Description
themes Array of themes or object with styles
theme Initial theme
getClass A function that allows you to override the getting of the class
theme - the current theme
arg - the argument passed to the v-theme directive
The function should return a string
afterChanged Hook that is executed after changing the theme
theme - new theme
prevTheme - previous theme


The code is available under the MIT license.